In the list of little milestones that act as indicators that something BIG is just about to happen, we attended the baby shower for little Flecklet #2 today. Kathy, Megan and Angela put it together and Kathy hosted it at her home. I have to be honest, I am not a big fan of showers. I'm going to go out on a sexist limb and say that I have a vestige of hardwired male gender training that makes me believe showers are something that only women can truly enjoy. But it is the 21st century -- we are in the age of the co-ed baby shower. My plan to host an alternate "man shower" at the local pub got shot down. So off to Kathy's we went.
Eric would have been up for the alternate "man shower." And mention of the idea at the party got a chuckle out of a few of the other guys.
Kathy and her partner Charlie have a wonderful house a few miles from us. When we arrived a few folks were already there, food was being prepared and Angela was arranging flowers. Soon friends filed in and we were surrounded by a pleasantly large, but cozy, group of our favorite folks. It was a great time with excellent food and wonderful company. Click to see the entire play-by-play.
Lilia with a balloon. Balloons + Kids = Fun (Well, and occasional jealous shouting matches.)
Chandler feels April's pulses to make his prediction of the sex of the baby. His conclusion -- a "hotheaded" boy. That made me think, I can be a little short of temper at times. Two out of two traditional Chinese medicine practitioners in attendance who took April's pulses agreed -- it's a boy.
Megan and Angela, two of our lovely party planners. Thank you both for your time, energy and love in putting together a very enjoyable gathering. Oh, and let's not forget the delicious food, either!
The highlight of the shower for April was belly painting. Friends really got into it. An 8 month pregnant belly provides a lot of canvas to work with.
A great shot of Sylvia with her Faery Goddess-mother, Angela
Sylvia is obviously having fun with the belly painting. She went above and beyond by painting Mommy's arms as well.
Faith and Joel taking the warmest seats in the house. They just got two cats. I think they need a kid to go with.
Bobby adds his art to the collection. After seeing him speak yesterday, Bobby gives Obama his seal of approval.
Kathy, our third lovely party host, adds a message to the blessing chain. Thanks again to Kathy and Charlie for opening their home on our family's behalf.
Eyes delight in this sort of display of color when it's winter in Minnesota. Beauty surpassed only by the presence of family and friends. Thanks again, everyone.
Happiness be with you all.
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