A certain biker who loves to take icy shots of his beard, poke fun at lords lack-beard in general, and post sarcastic comments about me on various blogs also rides to work in Bloom-town. I say: Icy Beard-Off! Name the morning. 8:30 in the a.m. at the Target Corral on American and Penn.
Snow has given way to icy drizzle at press time. Lows around 20 tonight. Another wonderful pre-spring traction-fest on tomorrow's commute. Hey, Sherlock, speaking of tomorrow, it's Leap Day. Whatcha gonna do? I'm celebrating with a post-work beer cruise and fire at the river with some friends. You should come, too. I plan to see how much firewood I can load onto the Dummy. Meeting at the sledding hill on Minne Pkwy 2-3 blocks east of Lyndale around 6:30. After a refreshing bevy or two we head east to Minne Park for a blaze at the big fire ring below the VA home. Yeah, it'll be chilly; it'll be fun; it'll be interesting getting my long bike out of the gorge via the now freshly-snow-covered trail. But Feb 29th only happens, well, once every four years or so. Might as well make it memorable.
Big Dummy update: I mounted a cyclocomputer to it last night. Yep, I'm a geek for biking by the numbers. I had the suspicion that the Dummy is not any slower than the Cross-Check on my average commute. Turns out it isn't. With some weird road conditions today and a partial head wind to and from work, I logged a 13.7 average -- same as a 2F commute last week on the X-Check. (For reference, a stellar commute on a warm day with dry roads and cooperative traffic timing is typically 17mph.) I even carted home an extra bulky 5lbs on one side of the V Rack tonight. Two things the long bike has going for it: inertia and a low profile rear end. Get it up to speed and it carries that speed. In tailwinds it flies. When you hit a sustained hill you can feel that you're pulling a heavy bike up the grade. But it all averages out, and it's nothing like pulling a trailer up hills. I mention this because I really thought that the Dummy with its weight (it has at least 12, maybe 15lbs over my X-Check) and 26X2.1 tires would be a slow ride. It isn't. That's my shameless Big Dummy plug for today.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
meh, I've seen better.
But I have a secret tactic: an insulated plant misting bottle which I will use to spray my face every 60 seconds during the ride. Yeah! Wait, I guess it's not a secret tactic any longer.
you call that a beard?
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