Monday, January 14, 2008

Festivities, Pt I

The scene: my humble workplace. Our company holiday party was scheduled for Thursday, Jan 10. A bit late, but with free food and beer, who's complaining? At first I thought we would not be able to attend since April had to work and I have to admit I just wasn't quite up for riding home, loading up Sylvia in the trailer and pulling her back out to Bloomington. So, at the last minute Matt A generously offered to swing by and pick us up after getting his daughter Alicia. Sylvia and I loaded into the little Toyota truck and away we went.

Tom the IT guy cuts loose with a little Metallica. I missed a lot of the karaoke competition due to chasing Sylvia. I missed my man, Chris D. I did catch the latter half of his rendition of "Sex Machine." He's good, awesome in fact. I'm glad I didn't get to try to sing with him as we had originally planned. Instead, I belted out a version of "Sweet Caroline" after the crowds had mostly dispersed.

For Sylvia, this was the main excitement of the evening -- a huge box filled with recycled packing paper in our warehouse. She jumped around and made me pick her up and drop her into it until my arms ached. Finally I was able to distract her to the art project room.

Geez, but I love these guys -- Anthony (half of his face anyhow), Matty, Trevor, Tony and let's not forget Bill highfivin' someone in the background.

Daddy and Sylvia along with Daddy's rad co-worker, Alix.

Mr Skiles posing for the shot. Andy is another rad co-worker and a good friend. I love spending time with Sylvia and it's cool when we get to go off on Daddy-Daughter adventures. (No offense, Mommy.)

Miker and Alicia locked in head-to-head competition while Matt officiates. Don't cross the center line -- he's watching.

Oh, parties and party memories. We stayed until most everyone else had left (a whopping 10pm). Sylvia is a trooper -- already learning the art of closing down a party. That's my daughter.

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