Beer Pilgrimage III: Saturday, Sept 22nd
En route to the brewery Sylvia says, "Beer!" for the camera.
A small, yet spirited group departs Surly Brewing. BTW Since our trip, I have tried Surly Fest and I recommend you drink some of it, too.
Back to North Mississippi Regional Park to examine all manner of weekend-style riverfront culture. We contributed to the unique ambiance of the place.
A little slice of urban nature. Sylvia and I explored the river bank and even found a tent, recently occupied nestled in the trees.
Anthony has gotten quite good at the hands-free track stand. Seth, well, he perfected his trademark schtick long ago.
Most of our group engaged in a toast. It's not quite the same as Mom taking Sylvia to playgroup ... but Sylvia had a blast ...
... especially because she had my full attention!
I gave into the group pressure to stick around a while and stoke up a grill. One of Sylvia's favorite foods is bratwurst.
Our group split to head home our separate ways. Anthony led Mark, Sylvia and me right through downtown and Nicollet Mall where we got to dodge pedestrians and cops.
Sylvia slept the whole way back. It had been a busy day for a 2 year old. Not long afterward it was time to head to Kate's house for Kate and Angela's birthday celebration.
Sylvia showed off her ability to fall happily asleep almost anywhere. And so ended another fun day for the Flecks.
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