Dropouts. Yep. Speaking of bikes, I mostly finished my new Cross Check. In some fit of stupidity I overlooked an obvious incompatibility issue. The rear wheel that came off my old Malvern is a 120mm track spaced hub. That ain't fitting in my Surly Gnot-Right 132.5mm drops. Oops. For the time being I spaced out a cog on an old road wheel I had laying around. I'd rather it were fixed, but for now it is just a single speed.
A miscellaneous box outside the PG headquarters. The blocky font and all caps juxtaposed with the imploring message of compassion somehow struck me. These are good words to live by.
More photos to follow after the bike is finished.
That bike certainly raises the bar for stack height.
Don't worry -- I'll lose a few spacers after I install the 130degree stem. Will that look less dorky?
Jerk. I have a new idea for a bike site -- "Just Ask Nitto." It can be a sub-site of Rivendell. There you can have all your fears of high bars dispelled, naturally.
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